Monday, August 18, 2008


July 29
I have been given an assignment by Manda and Scott after visiting them (two of my favorite people) to write down my thoughts at night and then share them in my blog. I call it a brain party as I tend to have a whole bunch of random thoughts as I try to sleep. It's like they are having a party in my brain and that's why I can't sleep. So here I am writing away. And what pray tell is on my mind tonight? Many things of course but the main thing is people being burned to death. Not a fan-what a horrible way to die. Whoever thought hey here's a fire and here's this person I don't like let's put them together and see what happens, clearly had serious issues. I cannot fathom being a bystander (especially one that's good with what's going on) let alone the one that puts flame to another person. How could one function after doing such a thing? And why in the world was it so popular for various times throughout history? To think of all the lives that were ended in such a horrific way- the righteous people who followed Alma and Amulek, Abinadi, the Spanish Inquisition, the "witch" trials, the Nazis, and even today when seriously disturbed people decide that's how they want to end someones life. I truly don't get how anyone can be okay with making someone suffer. I do take comfort from what Alma says on this subject. In Alma 14:11 that those whose lives are taken are with the lord. Their blood will be a witness against those who shed it- ultimate justice will be served.
**There's A Party In My Tummy (form Yo Gabba Gabba-don't ask)**
-I often have songs going through my head like a sound track


Manda Jane Clawson said...

Oh my Lacey, you are my favorite :) The story of Abinidi is my fav!

Ben and Tami said...

I agree with your thoughts on burning people, I've just never had those thoughts while trying to fall asleep. Your so funny.

Can I attempt to set you up on a blind date? -Tami