Tuesday, September 2, 2008

High School Tag!


I accept your tag I shall stroll down memory lane. By the way, I stole some of Manda's answers.

1. Did you date anyone from your high school? Yep.

2. What kind of car did you drive? The great white taxi...My Dodge Aries. Poor people with long legs :)

3. Were you a party animal? Not the “normal” party animal but I was always playing with friends and having movie nights and stuff :)

4. Were you considered a flirt? Not a crazy one, but if the mood took me I would have my moments.

5. Were you in band, orchestra or choir? Band geek baby! I did a bit of orchestra when they needed me.

6. Were you a nerd? All the way!

7. Were you on any varsity teams? Heavens no

8. Did you ever get suspended or expelled? No but I did cut class early a time or two

9. Can you still sing the fight song? Yes but I didn't learn it till Sr. as I always played it in the band.

10. Who were your favorite teachers? Mrs. Lofgren and Mr. Ferrin

11. Where did you sit for lunch? Commons area mostly.

12. What was your school's full name? Hunter High School

13. What was your mascot? Wolverines

14. If you could go back and do it again, would you? Yes, would change a few things though…

15. What do you remember most about graduation? Signing in grad, setting up a fake proposal, chalking Bro Taylor @ 1am ish, and kicking Jon Earl out around 3am then jumping on his bed for breakfast later that morning.

16. Where did you go on Senior Skip Day? We didn’t have one but I skipped a lot my Sr. year!

17. Were you in any clubs? Sign, Drama, Pep Band

18. Have you gained weight since then? Unfortunately :( way too much

19. Who was your prom date? Derek and Jon Peterson (hooray for duct tape!)

20. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion? Maybe, if we have one. It would rock if they did other years too so I could see everyone

21. Did you take any school trips? California for band-yeah baby!

22. What are your best memories from high school? Sr. much drama but the best people and so many incredible times.

Tag! You're It!!