Saturday, December 15, 2007

say cheese

Just a funny little story...Since Alex started getting into talking he has not been able to say my name. He said it for one day up camping but hasn't been able to since. So he calls me "Tia" (it sounds like chi-a) which is aunt in Portuguese and it's so cute. And for my name he would call me "Cheese." Yes, cheese like what you eat with crackers. We have no idea why. You'd tell him to, "say Lacey" and he would go, "Cheese!" Then one day it changed just like that and now he calls me "Sissy" which I like better. My mom isn't sure if it's because he hears her call me sis all the time. Who knows? I've been called sissy by a sweet little girl who had a hard time with my name. It's those "L's" they can be tricky! He'll get it one day, but in the mean time I'll just enjoy the promotion from a bacterial culture to a relative. It's so great to be an aunt! I love it!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

sick puppy

I have been so anxious all day. I had to take Trey back to the vet and leave him there. He hasn't been getting better and that worries me. It broke my heart to have him in my lap shaking and trying so hard to hide under my arm. It was the hardest to hand him over and walk away. They did some x-rays and blood work. The vet called to tell me that it wasn't his back but that he has an enlarged kidney. So he needs more tests to see how serious it is. I hate that I have to take him back. But I really like it, they are really nice and they take good care of him. I'm just glad that he is getting the help he needs. I'll keep you posted. Thanks for your concern! It means so much to me!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My Old Puppy

My poor baby Trey is not doing well. I'm having a really hard time with it. I knew this time would come, he's getting old. I took him to the vet on Monday, they said he slipped a disk in his back. He is in a lot of pain. And he's so sad. It just breaks my heart. He cries when I touch him, and I of course cry too. They gave him meds which seem to be helping. I hope that it works. I hate to see him hurt. Alex will pat him and say, "sick, sick" and lay next to him.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

life as it is

Hello! Just thought I'd do a little update on what's going on and my previous posts as this is a blog and that's what you do. Well nothing too exciting is happening, just the usual stuff. My fibromyalgia is still kicking my butt, I have my good days and my bad (nothing new there). I get worn out so easily which gets frustrating at times. I'm looking for an affordable and somewhat local Tia-Chi class which I've been told should help with the fatigue and some of the pain. So far no luck. No word on Adam, he's still having the same symptoms but I don't think they have been as bad lately. I'd like to thank everyone for your love, concern and support. I means so much! On happier terms, he is close to opening his arcade. I am planning on going and working for him. Thanks Ben for all your Realtor work! The greatest joy in my life is Alex-I love being an aunt! He is the most adorable boy! With out fail he makes me laugh every time I see him. He just blows me away. I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful family!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Friday I tried something I never thought I would do; acupuncture. Needles are not my thing. And being stabbed with dozens of them at a time does not sound like a my idea of a good time. But I decided that if it would help me feel better I'd give it a shot. So in I go, nervous as ever, not sure what to expect. It was an interesting experience. I didn't even realize that I had needles in me at first. I won't lie, some of them hurt, the ones in my ear. It has been weird to be a human pincushion. I went back yesterday and have another appointment tomorrow. I think it has been good. But it's only been two so it's a bit early to tell.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


For the last little while my brother has been having some weird medical problems (i.e. vertigo, major headaches). He went in for some testing and I've been rather anxious about the results. Well they came in and they weren't good. He has lesions and white spots on his brain. My brother, my big brother, he can't be sick! He has a family, he has plans. I want to take it all away and put it on myself. It just worries me. I hope that I'm just jumping the gun and worrying about nothing. But lesions and white spots, on the brain just doesn't seem right. Lots of prayers for my Adam!

Friday, August 31, 2007

an answer

Well, I finally found a doctor who could tell me what is wrong with me. And that makes me happy! I am so relieved to finally have a name for what ales me. To say when someone asks me what's wrong, it's this, instead of I have no idea. And what is this you ask? I have fibromyalgia. Which is a syndrome that causes chronic pain, fatigue, memory loss, and a mile long list of other things (depending on the person). The pain is in the muscles, joints, and tendons. There is no cure for this, nor is there a treatment they have found that really helps. But no worries, it is not life threatening, I'm not going to die form it. I am rather optimistic, I mean, they found what's wrong with me! That being said, the doc said that fms is not my only problem, and she is unsure of what else ales me. But I'll find out, it'll just take some more time. I'm just glad I have some answers. I just want to say thank you to everyone who has stood by me and given me love and support.

cells-the new lighters

I went to my very first concert on July 31st. I have to admit I was a little nervous at first but once I was there it was great. Shell did such a fantastic job of throwing it all together (there were many a person and it was all very comfortable). I met a bunch new and wonderful people! Oh yeah, the band...the venue was usana which is outdoors and I loved it. It was great to have a nice and open space to hang out and listen to some rockin bands. Four bands played, they were all good. There was "Single File" "Muse"

Monday, August 27, 2007


The wait was excruciating. We counted down for what seemed like ages. The tickets were bought days after they were released. Finally our day had arrived! Aim, Drea, and I could hardly contain our excitement. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix here we come! We were so glad we went with the reserved seating-it was fantastic! It was great! The three of us really enjoyed ourselves. We opted for the 3-D version; such a good choice for the fist time going. It was crazy! The characters were in your personal space, things were falling all around you, it seemed like it was 10x more real. (It was weird to go and see the difference a second time at a "normal " theater). Needless to say we weren't disappointed.

Friday, July 27, 2007

muggles know how to party!

On the magical evening of the 20th of July I set out with some of my friends to a lovely little street that was transformed into a bustling Harry Potter heaven. Drea, Erin, Aim, Ty and I were overwhelmed with things to do...wands, face painting, fortune telling, sorting, the works. We met so many wonderful people. I loved meeting a beautiful owl (but I can't for the life of me think of his name). It was a the funnest way to pass the time. We each got sorted into houses...Drea-Huffelpuff, Erin-Gryffindor, her hubby Ryan-Syltherin, Myself-Syltherin :( , Aim-Sytherin, Ty-Syltherin. I have to give a shout out to all the Kings English staff, they did the most incredible job! They were so efficient, even though we were quite a ways down the line we still got our books no later than 12:10. It was great!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

fire! fire! fire!

Bring out the buckets! Today we had a fire break out across the street from my work. It was crazy. It started out a ways down the road then quickly moved directly in front of me. I have never been so close to an out of control fire. It scared me a bit. My co-workers and I got a little distracted by the whole thing. We were waiting to be evacuated (or at least I was). But it stopped at the construction right before it got to the road (and my car), who knew we'd be grateful for construction? It looks like it's mostly taken care of now. Hooray for firefighters!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


After a fantastic girls night out (for which Aim, Drea and myself looked smokin'), I awoke the next day with food poisoning. I knew there was something not right with that sandwich! I spent the next two days being miserable. I still don't feel all that great (but what's new). I know that food poisoning usually lasts 24 hours but it just hasn't wanted to leave my system. This has helped support a theory I've been toying with for some time (anyone who knows me well won't find this hard to believe at all) my immune system is shot. Or at least has serious issues.

Friday, June 22, 2007

The Family That Laughs Together

For Mother's day this year we went and had family pictures done. It was such a fun experience. The whole family was there including the dogs. We went to city creek park (kitty-corner to the church office building) and just had a blast. We got a ton of great pictures (thanks Drea!!!).